Mihai Mangu

Work Experience

  • Airbus Defense and Space / November 2023 – Present

    Developing a border security product Technologies used: – TypeScript – Angular – Apollo GraphQL – OpenLayers (map integration) – Redux with NgRx for state management – Jasmine / Karma for unit testing

  • Senior Web Developer – Deloitte Digital / October 2023 to November 2023

    Developing / Mantaining a web platform used by the biggest financial institutions in the world for negotiating large contracts (contract lifecycle management), My role is to develop new functionalities within the user interface (front-end). I’m also responsible with mentoring junior members. Technologies: JavaScript / TypeScript ReactJS 17 and 18 Redux and Redux ToolKIT MaterialUI for React REST APIs Git – Gitlab Docker Cypress Functional Testing and Component Testing Sentry.IO … and the old and trusty terminal Other bits to mention: – Mentorship for junior members – Pull request reviews

  • Founder and Web Developer/ May, 2017 – October 2020

    8MD is my LLC’s brand. It is the brand under which I work. Sometimes we are multiple people, but mostly it’s a one man show. Here are a couple of the things I do: Creating web apps using ReactJS (+Redux and other extensions). Managing web apps using NodeJS or creating others from scratch. Doing dev-ops related work using Heroku or Docker. Glueing Front-end to Back-end using REST API services. Writing various full-stack apps using either JS or PHP for the backend. Polishing back-end (extending REST services). Using Postman for testing APIs. Creating new themes and plugins for WordPress. Building Online Shops in WooCommerce (WordPress). Ensuring web performance (QA). Plus that, I’m ensuring that every project has a good SEO starting point (that there are no major issues, advanced SEO work is not my field). Writing marketing copy – Working with Adwords – Converting leads to customers. Writing blog posts or making youtube videos (vlogs) For portfolio and other related work please check https://8md.online I’m working on projects that involve either React or NodeJS. No projects without at least one of them.


Javascript, TypeScript

React, NextJS, Angular

Rest APIs, GraphQL

Jest / Jasmine / Karma / Cypress